Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thunder and Woe (reprinted from Day of Thunder Post)

The book, "Day of Thunder Years of Woe," reveals how America is being defeated without a single shot being fired. It also shows that multi-national corporations are taking over the government. Moreover, the book asserts that the country is being defeated right under our noses and nobody is paying attention. Available at, the book recants that there are more lobbyists on capital hill than congressional staffers and congressmen. Yes, the nation's congressmen, both senators and representatives, are likely owned by foreign corporations that don’t mean America any good.
The book goes on to say, "
The USA President is the single government official that is not lobbied by corporations. Every congressman or congresswoman has a lobbyist calling or visiting his or her offices every day. If the President is beaten down by special interests and hate mongers, the country will have lost its greatest asset. At that point, the nation will have surrendered to multi-national corporations. Every phase of American life, including the country’s military and defense will be controlled by foreign corporate interests and governments." Asserting that all Americans must answer a call to political arms if the country is to be saved, "Day of Thunder Years of Woe," demands that we pass campaign reform and take corporations out of politics. Noting that no matter your politics or other status, the book states that we must unite now to fight this war. Touted as awesome and thought provoking, the book is aptly suited to serve as a handbook for both Wall Street Occupiers and Tea Partiers, as well as for the population at large.

1 comment:

  1. This book is so powerful. We are not taught this stuff. Super rich folks and big corporate executives don't want the 99% to know this. The 99% need to read "Day of Thunder Years of Woe," and rush to make saving our country their cause.
